HydroSystem 400
Specialist rainwater filter for installation directly into the ground. Connectable surface area 100 to 175m2 depending on contamination level of the runoff.
How it works
- The rainwater from the drained area is fed into the inlet, which is at the lower end of the shaft.
- Here, sedimentation of particles, especially the sand faction and above, takes place in the hydrodynamic separator. This is due to turbulent secondary flows within a radial laminar flow regime.
- The solids are collected via an opening in the silt trap chamber. This chamber is a removable container, with a side outlet port to aid cleaning.
- The filter element is located in the middle of the filter shaft. With this filter element, the finer particles are filtered from the upflow of waters. The dissolved pollutants are precipitated and absorbed and adsorbed. The filter is easily exchanged, once exhausted or blocked.
- Emergency overflow.
- Cleaned water outlet, to infiltration system, rainwater storage tank or surface water discharge.
Stormwater Pollutant Removal
The filter media removes pollutants like PAH´s, hydrocarbons and heavy metals. Furthermore, it binds phosphorus, and removes ammonium and nitrate from stormwater runoff (see brochure for details). Phosphorus removal via a HydroSystem provides an extremely useful tool for nutrient neutrality schemes for new development projects. The multistage four-step treatment train removes both solids and dissolved pollutants.” we can remove 40% of dissolved P with our proven media technology.

3P HydroSystem treats stormwater road runoff – before and after treatment photo from site.
Surface Water Run-off Filters
Filter Type | Product-No. | Nature of the Run-off Surface | Run-off Surface Area |
Traffic | 3100410 | Slightly polluted traffic areas (side streets, staff car parks, yards) | 130m² |
Heavy Traffic | 3100420 | Highly polluted traffic areas (supermarket car parks, main roads, HGV access roads) | 100m² |
Roof | 3100400 | Roofs without a significant proportion of uncoated metals (<50m²) | 175m² |
Metal* | 3100430 | Roofs made with uncoated metals (zinc, lead) | 130m² |
Metal Cu* | 3100600 | Roofs made with uncoated metals (copper) | 130m² |
*The metal filters also have Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU) approval in accordance with Art. 41f of the Bavarian State Water Act (LfU BY-41f-2010 / 2.1.0). This shows that it removes more than 90% zinc and 98% copper from the rain runoff from metal roofs over the annual average.
Further Information
More information is available and new projects are always underway.
If you require information on our Stormwater products please contact us or call us on 01239 623506.
Our stormwater products are chiefly supplied through a small selection of trained partners.